November 28, 2008

Fun Fair on 14 December


SP LEO is organizing a charity fun fair to be on 14 December 2008. It will be SP LEO's BIGGEST event of the year!

We will be needing plenty, PLENTY, PLENTY of helpers for this event, so please volunteer yourselves! Do come and experience the vibrant and carnival-like atmosphere! It's going to be FUN!!!

To register yourself, please create an account on our forum (if you haven't and post your name, admin number and email there : D

forum link:

alternatively, you can email me your details at do get your classmates to come along as well!

if you wish to know more about the fun fair, feel free to contact our organizing chairperson at

i can't wait to be the mascot! ROAR ON!!!

Posted by:
Zheng Kang
Happy Passer-by

November 17, 2008

Making the Right Choice

committee members, Mark this date on your calender!
Meeting @ Leo Club Room.
Date: 26 November 2008 (Wednesday)
Venue: Leo Club Room
Time: 3.15pm to 4pm

The agenda of the meeting is to select the new president for the club and thus attendance is compulsory!

In case you are wondering who can be the new president, I am happy to say anybody from the club is eligible!
You can even vote for yourself! =)
Each committee member is entitled to one vote.
Please do not sabotage anybody to the position as the club's future is at stake. Please do make a clever choice.
(I am implying that if you use underhanded methods, you are stupid. BAKA!)
Feel free to vote and try not to be dissuade or persuade to vote for somebody by your friends.
And I strongly welcome you to post on the leo forum your election campaign! (Its in the membership section ^^)
Please note that voting results are not announced and only known to my good friend. So your vote is a SECRET!
If you are unable to be present on that day, please provide and valid reason and we will come up with a way for you to vote.

Make the right choice people! :D

-Taken from the latest Email.

October 26, 2008

Visit the forum!

Dear readers /members, or whoever who is looking at this page this second.

Please visit SP Leo Forum and register if you have not and are a LEO member!
When registering, please add "SP Leo" infront of your name.
Please also feel free to participate and write in any comments. :)

Check this blog often for updates, and check the forum daily for new threads and posts!

Thank you! :)

October 16, 2008

Leo Meeting on 22/10

dear Leos,

On next Wednesday (we will have a meeting at our Club Room which is located above FC5. The meeting will be host by Thaddeus Sim and/or Yee Zheng Kang (our club vice presidents). We would like to invite u to attend our meeting and to share your opinions and suggestions with us.

Date: 22 October 2008 (wednesday)
Time: 3.15pm to 5.15pm
Venue: SP Leo Club Club Room

As new semester starts, we hope to have a proper planning for our club activities and we would like to gather opinion from all the Leos. Hope to see you there. Help me to inform your friends who are interested.



IT Coordinator

August 26, 2008

General Meeting On the 29th Aug

Hello fellow leo members.... There will be a general meeting this friday 29th august..... below are the details....

Dear fellow Leos,

Notice is hereby given that the Leo meeting will be held as follows:

Date: 29 August 2008

Time: 12pm

Venue: Multi Purpose Room (SAC521) – meet at club house 1st

29th August Meeting Agendas

1st Meeting (1200 – 1300)

Interaction and Briefing

-interaction with members

-briefing about later meeting

-preparation for later meeting

-set up meeting venue

2nd Meeting (1300 – 1500)

General meeting with Lions Ng Cheong Chee

- Meeting call to order by President

- Mark attendance

- Introduction

- Financial report by treasurer

- Quarterly report by secretary

- Report of duties by each directors

o Events organized and participated

o Upcoming events & propose events

o Club house cleanliness, rules and regulations

o Club website (Blog & Forum)

o Benchmark for SP LEO (word design, badges, logo)

o Membership update

o CSSC duty & newly formed task force

o Updating of other Lions and Leo Clubs’ contacts

- Club Management System

- Youth Exchange Programs

- Forming Club Sponsorship Team

- New CCA points & awarding system

- Others

- Feedback

- Meeting Adjourned by President

3rd Meeting (1500 – 1600)

Sharing with Leo Terry from Raffles City Leo Club

- brief introduction about LEO

- Objectives of Leo Club

- understanding of Leo Club’s functions/ how Leo club works

- Leo district, Zone, and other countries

- Youth Exchange

- Alpha, Omega Leos and Lions

- Leo Forum

4th Meeting (1600 – 1800)

Meeting for Fundraising / Small group discussion / Free activities

If there is any event the organizer feels like having a discussion, please make full use of this free time.

Or you guys want to have some discussion/planning for upcoming events, please proceed on and form your own group. Be more initiative.

You all also can have some games also. Or join in the fundraising discussion.

*Leos, the meeting time is from 1pm to 4pm. However, I hope u guys can reach at 12 noon with your stomach full. And if you are interested in the fundraising or involved in any project meeting or group discussion, you can stay there until 6pm. If not, you can leave at 4pm.

Thanks. All the best in your exam!!!

thats all for the agenda for the meeting... hope you will be able to make it... see you all on friday....

IT Coordinator

July 6, 2008

Thank you

Thank to all those who help out in Tampines East Community Club open house yesterday. Hope you guys enjoy yourself too. Yesterday event was a success.

YEC Blog

SuperNova Blog


N.E.X.T Challenge
Date : 26 & 27 July 2008
Time : 26 report at 7.30pm
27 end at 4pm
Venue to meet : Not confirmed yet
Website :

* For this event i need participants to participate. Ignore the closing date, but do sign up asap, probably before 12 july. Do take a look at the website for more details.

Inter-Generation Games
Date : 9 Novemeber 2008 (not confirmed yet)
Time : 9am-12pm
Venue : Tampines

* For this event i required helpers as station masters. This event is actually, the older generation and younger generation games, which means the old will teach the young some games and the young will teach the old modern generation games.

GRC Youth Day
Date : 30 November 2008
Time: 2pm - 10pm
Venue: Vacant land infront of Tampines MRT

* For this i require people to participate in the in-line skating, for helpers wise for now we still do not need. Training will be provided for free, but you need a skates, if not have to rent. For those who know how to skate even better.

* For the above event please let me know whether you all can make it. Thank

June 29, 2008

Upcoming meeting - 2nd July 2008

Aloha LEOs! :)

This is just a short post to update you all that there will be an upcoming Leo meeting on wednesday, 2nd july 2008 @ 3.15pm. No food is allowed during the meeting (President said that, not me!) and the meeting is estimated to last between 2 hours to 2 & 1/2hours.

General discussion for this meeting:
-Improving our Club
-Project Journal updates
-Club Fundraising
-Upcoming Events
-Sharing about Leo Club
-Feedback / open up session
-Club Room cleaning (if there is any)

Message from our dear president, Neil: "Guys, i hope u all can prepare b4 u come for the meeting. Think of some ideas or opinions... bring them up during the meeting, Each single idea mayb wil change the club. So dun mind telling us ur ideas..."

Hope to see you all there!
Be puntual too. :)
See you on wednesday,

Upcoming Publications Secretary/or formerly known as publicity director.

June 27, 2008

BBQ photos are up!

Hi all!

Just popping by to inform you that the photos taken
during the BBQ at Pasir Ris have been uploaded for all to view.

I've re-sized the photos so that the loading time wouldn't kill you,
but if for some reason you'd want to make a poster out of them
(or examine the pores on your face), feel free to contact me
through any of the senior LEOs for the originals.

Take this as a last gift from me to SP LEO. ;)

Here's wishing all the new BODs and new members the best,


June 26, 2008

A brand new look!

Hello fellow LEOs, and every Leo out there :D
This is a temporary look for this blog (i guess), and if there is still anyone out there who still wants to redo this blog, please go ahead! :D
I decided to just change it to this one temporarily once and for all because it gets boring to come into an untouched & unchanged blog, right?
So, there you go.
The new skin.
With the words SP LEO CLUB in the background with a cartoon lion to make this a litte more eye-catching.
However, there are many details yet to be added in.
Someone will eventually come by and add in everything. :)
This blog is almost abandoned...please do come back and visit this blog and leave a tag!
Come back for more updates!

Cheers everyone! :D
-Dilyse (AGAIN.)

June 22, 2008

Another update :D

Hello everyone!
I guess it has been a very long time since this blog is updated. This blog needs to be revamped! :)
Any volunteers to create a new look for this blog? Please tell any of the Leo comm members if you want to :) Don't be shy! :)

Anyway, this main focus for this entry is for you guys to decide on which chalet you all want to go to for our still-a-long-way-to-go but upcoming cca chalet.
Here are the choices:
1. Aloha Loyang, Pasir Ris.
2. NTUC Costa Sands, Pasir Ris
3. Home TeamNS, Pasir Ris.

I'm sure if you want to know more about these chalets, you can google/yahoo the information yourself i believe. Please tell us your preference on our tagbox!


May 16, 2008

NUS's CAN collection project...

Hi all. There will be a NUS's CAN collection project on the 19 of July. This project is basically going house to house to collect can foods for the needy. Anybody interested please contact either Neil at 97520862 or contact me(Vishaal) at 93394642.... When contacting us, please let us know your name, gender, contact number, email and your shirt size... Hope to see a great number of people for this project.... Thanks...

May 13, 2008

Post by Zheng Kang

Hi, I'm Zheng Kang, the organiser of the recent LEO Club Freshmen Orientation Camp! I want to thank the fellow LEOs who came over to have fun with us over last weekend. Hope you guys really enjoyed the camp : ) Remember to come for future events with your new-found friends!

*For those who attended the camp but have yet to collect your camp tees, you can notify me at if you want your shirt ASAP : ) even if you don't contact me, it's okay! i will be getting everyone to collect their shirts in due time.

(my signature)
Zheng Kang
: D