April 22, 2010

Talk on Volunteerism

There will be a talk on Volunteerism by National Volunteer and Philanthropy Centre.

Do you have the passion to champion local social causes? Would you be part of the solution to the many social needs in Singapore?

Find out what is volunteering and what makes a good volunteer?

Volunteering is now easy with Singapore Cares (SG Cares), a new initiative from NVPC that provides flexible volunteer opportunities for the community. SG Cares allows you to volunteer meaningfully as and when you can for a wide variety of causes and activities.

Come and find out how you can apply your volunteering experiences with SG Cares and make a difference in your community! Attend our SG Cares talk to also find out how you can take the lead to join us as a Volunteer Leader.

The talk will cover the following areas:
a) What is volunteering?
b) What makes a good volunteer?
c) Benefits of volunteering
d) Volunteering with SG Cares
e) Leadership with a heart program

Date: 12 May 2010 (Wed)
Time: 3.30 pm
Venue: To be confirmed

All members are encourage to attend

Interested? or do you have any questions?
Please don't hesitate to contact
Eugene @ wingsoffurys_39@hotmail.com

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