May 25, 2010

Project Espoir: 100 Hearts, is a community service project organized by Bukit Timah CC Youth Club (YC), which is under the jurisdiction of People’s Association Youth Movement (PAYM).

In Project Espoir: 100 Hearts, we will be bringing 100 selected children from Club Rainbow to the Singapore Science Centre. They will be visiting the Pixar exhibition where they will go behind the scene of the animations, exploring the art and technology behind 20 years of cutting-edge animation. After which, these children will enjoy a 3D movie experience by Pixar Animation, and take a tour around science centre. There will also be a drawing competition conducted for the children in which they can draw their favourite pixar character.

Espoir is Hope in French, and through this project, we aim to be able to bring hope to the less-privileged children from Club Rainbow who fall into three illness groups – those who suffer from Heart related problems, Blood disorders and Liver Disorder ailments. Due to their conditions, these children are unable to work or play like any normal child and many of these children are not expected to live past the age of 20. Hence, we would like to ease their pain as much as possible and let these children enjoy whatever they can of their childhood.

Event Date: 27th June 2010 (Sunday)

There will be a briefing conducted on 25th June 2010 (Friday evening) to prepare the volunteers on what they are suppose to do on the actual day itself.

There is only 10 slots avaliable. And will be first come first serve method for the slots.

Please reply with your full name/ gender/ age/ email/ t-shit size/ diet(all food will be halal, unless other wise stated)


Community Service CCA PTS will be awarded

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